“My grandmother’s house caught fire nobody knows how it started.”


5 August 2018

“My grandmother’s house caught fire nobody knows how it started.”


A residential house catches on fire at Bisee Castries, about 12:30 am on Saturday 4th, 2018.

According to an eyewitness; The grandmother just had surgery so she could not even walk, she was trying to escape, collapsed in the kitchen, the cousin and her daughter were asleep in the room.
When they saw the fire, her cousin, could not find the key for the door, they were locked in.”

Her brother had to slam the door out, drag granny outside through the back door.

” I had to run and take the little girl because my cousin couldn’t breathe, she had too much smoke.

My granny heavy, so they could not take her out quickly, so when they manage to get her outside she was collapsing” reported to SNN

“The fire…… [truck] took so……. Long. The ambulance had to give them oxygen and stuff."
Downstairs burned bad. Upstairs not as bad. We manage to put it out before it got worse by carrying buckets of water before the firefighters came.”

The Grannie is now at the uncle's home of the eyewitness who said; “my grandmother’s house caught fire nobody knows how it started.”

The Grannie is now at the uncle's home of the eyewitness who said; “my grandmother’s house caught fire nobody knows how it started.”

