Trinidad: 4 escape death as pickup plunges over precipice in Toco


20 September 2018

Trinidad: 4 escape death as pickup plunges over precipice in Toco

By Trinidad Guardian

TRINIDAD GUARDIAN – Three men and one woman nar­row­ly es­caped death yes­ter­day, af­ter the ve­hi­cle in which they were trav­el­ling ran off an em­bank­ment on To­co Road and land­ed on rocks 400 me­tres be­low close to the seashore.

Dri­ver Glen­ford Mar­cano was ward­ed in a se­ri­ous con­di­tion at the San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal af­ter sus­tain­ing a punc­tured lung, head and oth­er bod­i­ly in­juries af­ter the ac­ci­dent. Pas­sen­gers Joel Rouget and Lo­toya Parks were al­so ward­ed but were in sta­ble con­di­tion, while Kendell Franklyn was treat­ed and dis­charged.

To­co po­lice re­port­ed that around 1.45 pm yes­ter­day, they re­spond­ed to an ac­ci­dent on the 33-kilo­me­tre mark on the To­co Road. When the of­fi­cers ar­rived they saw loose rocks on the em­bank­ment but did not see any ve­hi­cle. They were about to re­turn to the sta­tion when a fish­er­man alert­ed them to a crashed Nis­san Fron­tier ly­ing on the rocks close to the seashore, which was bare­ly vis­i­ble from the shore­line.

Fish­er­men were then able to ac­cess and res­cue the vic­tims us­ing a boat and they were lat­er tak­en by am­bu­lance to the To­co Health Fa­cil­i­ty, where they re­ceived med­ical at­ten­tion be­fore be­ing trans­ferred to the San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal.

Eye­wit­ness­es told po­lice the four vic­tims, all from To­co, were in a Fron­tier Nis­san pick­up van and were trav­el­ling to­wards San­gre Grande when the dri­ver lost con­trol while ne­go­ti­at­ing what is a blind cor­ner and ran over the em­bank­ment. The pick­up then flipped sev­er­al times as it went down the precipice be­fore smash­ing in­to the rocks be­low.

A video of the fish­er­men’s res­cue of the dri­ver and the ac­ci­dent sur­faced on­line yes­ter­day and was wide­ly shared.

Cpl James thanked the fish­er­men who as­sist­ed in the res­cue. Vis­it­ing the scene were James and PCs Browne, Tor­res and Alexan­der of the To­co Po­lice Sta­tion.

Cpl James is in­ves­ti­gat­ing.
