Contracts finalised for Census 2022 enumerators


The Central Statistical Office has assured enumerators, supervisors, and other persons involved in the 2022 National Population and Housing Census that contracts have been finalised and are being distributed to persons trained to conduct the 2022 census.

The Permanent Secretary in the Department of Economic Development, Mr. Claudius Emmanuel, has given the assurance that contracts for all enumerators and their supervisors involved in the 2022 National Census have been prepared and finalised.

There was a slight delay in processing the contract documents for hundreds of enumerators and their supervisors. There were prescribed procedures and accountability guidelines that had to be followed in preparing over 2600 contracts for signature, as there is a requirement for four physical copies.

In the meantime, the Central Statistical Office has been busy preparing kits for distribution to hundreds of enumerators who have completed training to visit homes across Saint Lucia. The kit contains recommended personal protection items including hand sanitizers, surgical gloves, masks, face shields, and digital thermometers – all needed to ensure that the enumerators adhere to all COVID-19 protocols. These were detailed in a document prepared by the Central Statistical Office.

On Saturday enumerators were presented with their kits, maps, and specially designed tablets, all containing tracking devices, in case they’re lost or stolen. Each enumerator has been issued with an ID card which must be presented prior to engaging a respondent. The 2022 National Population and Housing Census is the first paperless census to be conducted in Saint Lucia. The census runs from May to October 2022. The public is asked to cooperate with the enumerators.