Chastanet says – I will be out of state providing support to my father as he undergoes cancer treatment. Consequently, I am unable to attend the scheduled sitting of Parliament

By Chastanet on his facebook page

Over the next several days, I will be out of state providing support to my father as he undergoes cancer treatment. Consequently, I am unable to attend the scheduled sitting of Parliament tomorrow, when several important bills will be tabled and debated.
One of these bills concerns legislation for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, one of the government’s election pledges, and for which has been allocated over $1 Million. I wish that the Prime Minister had been as eager to deliver on his other promises, including the provision of relief for the thousands of needy Saint Lucians, especially those he deemed “the poorest of the poor.” These hard-pressed citizens are the worst victims of the continuous increases in the cost of living. As has become this government’s trade mark, personal vendettas must be taken care of before anything else, however urgent. So much for its pledge always to put the people first!
Even though we have already noted several irregular and possibly unconstitutional points in this new legislation, I welcome the appointment of the Special Prosecutor.
I also take this opportunity to remind Saint Lucians that one of the first amendments by the former UWP Government I had the honor to lead, was the amendment to the Crown Proceedings Act soon after we took office. This amendment basically removed the ten-year investigation limitation that previously existed and would have prevented government officials from facing prosecution for any form of corruption they may have committed in office. Ironically, the current Prime Minister and his team did not support the amendments.
Again, I welcome any effort to hold politicians and Government officials accountable, so long as the traditional role of the Director of Public Prosecution is not undermined. The Opposition will also be submitting to the Office of the Special Prosecutor a list of matters that have long been crying out for investigation.