Works have commenced on the Community Road Rehabilitation Project

By Department of Infrastructure

The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport wishes to inform the public that works have commenced on the Community Road Rehabilitation Project.

Under this project, seventeen (17) community roads in Castries and Vieux Forth North have been identified for repair.

This week, commencing June 22nd works began on the following roads:

  • VIEUX FORT NORTH – Viancelle, Aldonza Lane (main)Perineau LaneAux PiquantPierrot GapPierrot Playing Field.
  • CASTRIES- Barre St. Joseph

Works will commence on the following Roads on Monday June 27th:
Marchand Road, Trou RougeBeaubeauville, Ravine Troutreille.

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Motorists, pedestrians and residents of the aforementioned areas are asked to exercise extreme caution when traversing the vicinity of the roadworks, and to pay heed to the associated signage.

The Department of Infrastructure will advise on any changes to the work schedule, including the commencement of the rehabilitation of the Marigot to Discovery Road.

Any Inconveniences caused as a result of the road rehabilitation works is deeply regretted.