Venezuelan Ambassador presents credentials

Ambassador-Designate of the Bolvarian Republic of Venezuela, Her Excellency Leiff Liubliana Escalona Barrueta, presented her credentials to His Excellency Cyril Errol Melchiades Charles on August 4, 2022. The ambassador is serving for the second time as Venezuelan ambassador in Saint Lucia.
Her Excellency Leiff Escalona indicated that among her objectives are to ensure Saint Lucia’s participation in the framework of the Petro Caribe Energy Cooperation Scheme and to articulate, promote, and continue to contribute to social projects in the country.
His Excellency Cyril Errol Charles welcomed the ambassador to Saint Lucia and accepted her Letters of Credence. He extended gratitude to the Republic of Venezuela on behalf of the people of Saint Lucia and pledged to continue with the mutually beneficial relationship.
H.E. Cyril Errol Charles wished the ambassador and other officials a rewarding tour of duty, and extended best wishes for continued peace to President Maduro Moros on behalf of the Government and people of Saint Lucia.