Ministry of Equity has not released any information or forms seeking applications for financial assistance at this time.
By Ministry Of Equity

The attention of the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment has been drawn to information circulating online purporting to offer financial assistance to parents with children in forms 4 &5 pursuing Technical Vocational and Education Training (TVET) subjects at the CSEC level.
The bogus notice requests that persons fill out a form from the website https.// requesting personal information like parent’s name, phone number, child’s name, child’s date of birth and TVET subjects
being pursued.
The notice further indicates that financial assistance is being offered through the Human Capital Resilience Project (HCRP) funded by the World Bank, which aims to improve labour market relevant skills in selected sectors and implemented by the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment and the Ministry of Education.
Please note that this information is ABSOLUTELY FALSE and that the Ministry of Equity has not released any information or forms seeking applications for financial assistance at this time.
We sincerely urge members of the public to be vigilant and ensure that their private information is submitted only through trusted and reliable sources.
For further information and to report any instances where members of the public are asked to submit forms for financial assistance on the above subject matter, please contact Ms. Jackie Joseph via telephone number 285-3753 or email at sesslhcrp@alex