Three individuals have been charged pursuant to the Anti-Gang Act

Various unit within the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force were tasked with reducing serious crimes, particularly relating to gang related activities. The officers have recorded recent success, and three individuals have been charged pursuant to the Anti-Gang Act, Chapter 3.18 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia.
On Thursday, October 6, 2022, several units, including the Major Crimes Unit, Special Services Unit, The Traffic Enforcement Team and the Criminal Investigations Department, executed a series of Warrants to Search for Property at varying locations. During that time, arrests of suspects were effected. Consequent to the operation, charges were preferred as follows:
- Marvin Gabriel, a thirty-three (33) year old resident of Bois Patat, Castries, was arrested and charged for Participating in Gang Related Activity as a Gang Leader.
- Jaheim Jules, a nineteen (19) year old resident of Bois Patat, Castries, was arrested and charged for Committing an Indictable Offence Associated with a Gang.
- Kendal Chadwick, a twenty-eight (28) year old resident of Bois Patat, Castries, was a charged for Committing an Indictable Offence Associated with a Gang.
The three were escorted before the First District Court where they are currently awaiting a bail hearing.
The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force remains resolute in its commitment to achieving our crime prevention mandate. We implore all citizens with information regarding criminal acts to contact our various station lines or the Crime Hotline at 555.