Present weather at Hewanorra Airport is fair. Present temperature at Hewanorra Airport is 22°C or 72°F.
Last night’s minimum temperature at Hewanorra Airport was 21°C or 70°F.
Wind at Hewanorra Airport is blowing from the northeast at 6 mph or 9 km/h.
Rainfall in the 24-hour period that ended at 2:00 am today: At Hewanorra Airport: trace.
Total rainfall for the month of January so far: At Hewanorra Airport: 88.7 mm.
Sunset today: 6:03 pm. Sunrise tomorrow: 6:31 am.
FORECAST FOR SAINT LUCIA VALID FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS Winds will be blowing from between the northeast and east near 14 mph or 22 km/h, becoming lighter at times. Weather: Apart from a few brief showers, skies will be generally fair.
MARINE FORECAST FOR SEAS IN A 25 MILE OR 40 KM RADIUS FROM SAINT LUCIA Tides for Castries Harbour: High at 12:45 pm…Low at 8:02 pm. Tides for Vieux Fort Bay: Low at 07:20 am…High at 1:52 pm. Seas: Slight to moderate with waves 3 to 5 feet or 0.9 to 1.5 metres.
FORECAST FOR THE LESSER ANTILLES Fair skies, becoming cloudy at times with a few brief showers.
WEATHER SUMMARY A high pressure system, will continue to cause light to moderate northeasterly winds across the Eastern Caribbean region during the next couple of days.
Patches of low level cloud drifting with the wind flow, will cause occasional cloudiness and showers over the Lesser Antilles, during the forecast period.
A surface trough located over the central Tropical Atlantic, is slowly drifting westward.