SLASPA will embark on ceiling maintenance and upgrade within the Departures Lounge


As part of the maintenance and upkeep of the Hewanorra International Airport (HIA), the Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority (SLASPA), from February 09, 2023, will embark on ceiling maintenance and upgrade within the Departures Lounge.

This undertaking forms part of the HIA Departures Improvement Programme.

The ceiling upgrade project, which began in 2018, consists of 2 phases which upon completion will realize the complete replacement and upgrade of the over 30 year -old ceiling within the departures lounge.

During that period, the Authority completed phase 1, which included the ceiling upgrade within the passport control and security screening area.

The project, in phases, will assume an approach that will involve the zoning of various areas within the departure lounge, with the majority of reconstruction undertaken in the evening following the last flight.

Therefore, the Authority does not anticipate any major disruptions to airport operations during this period. However, minor discomfort is expected, considering changes in the seating arrangements within the lounge and boarding gates.

“Our passenger comfort and experience are our main priority. In this regard, the engineering team has designed the project to ensure efficient operations, considering concessionaires and other relevant airport commercial business” says the Mechanical Engineer at SLASPA, Mr. Mandel Samuel. The project implementation, he added, will endeavor to minimize inconveniences to passengers.

Under the supervision and oversight of the Engineering Department, SGD Engineering Inc., a subsidiary of SG Defreitas and Company Limited in St Vincent and the Grenadines, is contracted to complete this project.

SGP Engineering Inc is a recognized regional company specializing in commercial and industrial HVAC projects in St Lucia.

Upon completion, SLASPA anticipates an improved departure lounge to enhance the experience within that area. Passengers are advised to pay attention to all signage for further guidance.