From tonight seas will be rough to very rough with waves 10 to 16 feet
Forecaster: Emmanuel Descartes
Present weather at Hewanorra Airport is partly cloudy and hazy.
Present weather at GFl Charles Airport is partly cloudy and hazy.
Present temperature at Hewanorra Airport is 31°C or 88°F.
Last night’s minimum temperature at Hewanorra Airport was 28°C or 82°F.
Wind at Hewanorra Airport is blowing from the easterly at 32 mph or 52 km/h.
Rainfall in the 24-hour period that ended at 8:00 am today:
At Hewanorra Airport: Nil. At GFL Charles Airport: 4.7 mm
Total rainfall for the month of June so far:
At Hewanorra Airport: 80.6 mm. At GFL Charles Airport: 46.6 mm
Sunset today: 6:34 pm. Sunrise tomorrow: 5:37 am.
Winds will be blowing from between the northeast and southeast near 32 mph or 52 km/h, with tropical-storm force winds later tonight.
Weather: Partly cloudy to cloudy and hazy with a few scattered showers at first, becoming cloudy to overcast with periods of rain, moderate to heavy showers, gusty winds and thunderstorms from this evening into tomorrow.
Residents and motorists in areas prone to flooding and landslides are urged to exercise extreme caution to protect and safeguard lives and property.
Tides for Castries Harbour: Low at 12:57 pm… High at 6:40 pm.
Tides for Vieux Fort Bay: Low at 2:24 pm… High at 8:26 pm.
Seas: Moderate with waves 4 to 6 feet or 1.2 to 1.8 metres in the Caribbean Sea and locally rough with waves 7 to 11 feet or 2.1 to 3.4 metres in the Atlantic Ocean, during today. From tonight seas will be rough to very rough with waves 10 to 16 feet or 3.0 to 4.9 meters.
Small craft operators are advised to remain in port and secure property. Residents and seabathers are also advised to stay away from beaches and coastal areas due to stormy conditions generated by Tropical Storm Bret.
Partly cloudy and hazy with a few scattered showers at first, becoming cloudy to overcast with periods of rain, moderate to heavy showers, gusty winds and thunderstorms from afternoon.
…..Hurricane watch is in effect for Saint Lucia….. …..Tropical Storm warning remains in effect for Saint Lucia….. At 11:00 am today, the centre of Tropical Storm Bret was located near Latitude 13.8 degrees north, Longitude 57.7 degrees west or about 187 miles or 302 kilometers east of St Lucia. Bret is moving toward the west near 14 mph or 22 km/h and this general motion with an increase in forward speed is expected during the next few days. On the forecast track, the center of Bret is expected to approach Saint Lucia and the Lesser Antilles today, move across the Lesser Antilles this evening and tonight, and then move westward across the eastern and central Caribbean Sea Friday and Saturday.
Maximum sustained winds are near 70 mph or 110 km/h, with higher gusts. Little change in strength is forecast today while Bret approaches the Lesser Antilles. Weakening is expected to begin tonight or Friday after Bret passes the Lesser Antilles and the system is likely to dissipate over the central Caribbean Sea by Saturday night or early Sunday.Interests in Saint Lucia and the Lesser Antilles should continue to monitor the progress of this system.
…. Depression Four moving west northwest Central Tropical Atlantic…
At 5:00 AM today, the center of Tropical Depression Four was located near latitude 11.3 degrees north, longitude 42.9 degrees west. The depression is moving toward the west northwest near 15 mph or 24 km/h. This motion with a gradual increase in forward speed is expected during the next few days, followed by a turn toward the northwest on Sunday. On the forecast track, the depression is expected to remain east of the northern Leeward Islands through early next week.
Maximum sustained winds are near 35 mph or 55 km/h with higher gusts. Some strengthening is forecast during the next few days, and the depression is expected to become a tropical storm soon. Interests the Lesser Antilles should monitor the progress of this system.
Another tropical wave located over the eastern Tropical Atlantic is moving westward near 8 mph or 13 km/h.