Kids Financial Literacy Summer Camp Seeks Financial Sponsors


SLUDTERA would like to inform its readers and followers that we are about to embark on our newest initiative, and it is in partnership with founder of Debt Free Millennials, and YouTuber Justine Nelson. As the camp aims to have each participant open an account, the Kids Financial Literacy Summer Camp seeks financial sponsors, particularly from the local banking sector and/or credit union sector. However, other financial supporters are welcome.

The Summer Camp will be an interactive program, held during the Summer vacation for children 8 to 12 years of age. The camp will address the need for a more financially educated and disciplined youth economy at the earliest stage.

“It is a program that my team has realized is needed based on our experience working with youth and adults in our programs. Individuals are clamoring for funding for everything, but do they know, understand and have an appreciation of what that investment means, and the level of responsibility and discipline that it requires to manage it? Where did that gap start? The answer is clear, childhood. So if we train and educate our children at a young age, they will be more disciplined, and financially responsible youth and adults. They don’t learn this in schools and their parents can’t teach them what they themselves don’t know.” commented project leader, Mrs. Samuel.

Up to 30 children will benefit from this program – 15 children in the Castries area and 15 children in Laborie. The four subject matter areas that will be covered are; 
* Making Money
* Responsible Spending
* Saving & Growing Money
* Money & Investing

Some of the activities the children will engage in include;
* Resume Building
* Price Check Party
* Currency Conversion 
* The Intentional Saver Challenge (concludes 12 months after camp ends. Each child will have an account where they are to save as much as they can over the performance period)
* Money Master
* House Goals Planning

At the end of this Summer Camp, participants will;
* “Build” their financial vocabulary  
* Learn how to be smart with their finances
* Learn how to invest
* Develop money management skills 
* Get advice on the best ways to handle their money

SLUDTERA is seeking either;
One Premier Sponsor to provide XCD$7,042
Two Gold Sponsors to provide XCD$3,521 each
Three Silver Sponsors to provide XCD$2,347.35 each, for the successful implementation of the two in-person camps in August, next month.

Requests for sponsorship was sent to four local banks, and unfortunately after waiting for almost a month for a response, two of them have declined to support the program.

“With the other activities taking place during this time which is receiving the full support of the banking sector, it is indeed surprising and disheartening, that any financial institution, especially if they understood the goals of this initiative, would not make haste to support this initiative”, says Mrs. Samuel. “In any case, we are hoping to get a more favorable response from the two other local banks who have not yet responded. We plan to seek support from the Credit Unions as well.”

In the event that financial support is not received for the Summer Camp, we are not giving up! Plan B, is to request support from each of the companies which sells the supplies we need, and ask them to donate the items. If this also fails, plan C is to host the Summer Camp in a virtual format, which is not particularly ideal, but is still an option.

We are sending out an open invitation to the Financial sector. If any of you would like to support this initiative, get in touch with the lead Organizer at [email protected] or contact (758) 484-5374.