Taiwan continues to facilitate the capacity-building within Saint Lucia’s public sector by offering wide-ranging training in Taiwan
By Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Saint Lucia

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) continues to facilitate the capacity-building within Saint Lucia’s public sector by offering wide-ranging training in Taiwan.
Between January and June 2023, the Taiwanese Government organized a series of training programmes in Taiwan for Saint Lucians, in areas such as cyber-security, smart healthcare, land taxation, and land policy.
This investment in Saint Lucia’s human resources is expected to improve the efficiency and knowledge base of Saint Lucia’s public sector.
From May to June, 2023, two Saint Lucians who benefited from the training offered in Taiwan were Mr. Johannith Khodra, Records and Information Management Specialist in the Department of Public Sector Modernization, and Sergeant Joshua Cammie, of the IT Unit/Cyber Forensic Lab of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force.
They participated in a “Workshop on Policy of Information Security” in May 2023 organized by TaiwanICDF.
Khodra described the opportunity to participate in the workshop as “a brilliant, eye-opening, educational experience”, adding that it came at an opportune moment when the Government of Saint Lucia was investing in its digital transformation and offering some its key services online.
“The workshop provided the opportunity to gain insight into Taiwan’s culture, their overall development over time and within the ICT sphere, and how they have stepped up to face and defend against cyber threats and become a leader and innovator in a rapidly changing international digital ecosystems. It also allowed us to understand the cyber situation in the various partner countries and their cyber maturity levels.”
In June 2023, Albert James, a Systems Developer in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, participated in the “Workshop on Smart Healthcare and Technology Applications” organized by TaiwanICDF.
Through the fruitful discussions with expert healthcare practitioners, engineers and policymakers in various fields in Taiwan, James admitted that he was impressed by Taiwan’s robust infrastructure and the seamless integration of technology into their healthcare systems.
“My time in Taiwan during the workshop on Smart Healthcare and Technology Applications was a trans-formative experience,” he explained. “It broadened my horizons, deepened my understanding of the potential of technology in healthcare, and fostered lasting connections with like-minded professionals. Taiwan’s commitment to innovation and its exemplary healthcare system serve as an inspiration for me as I continue my journey in the field of healthcare and technology.”
Also in June 2023, Mr. Kahlil L. Glasgow, Physical Planning Officer in the Physical Planning Section of the Department of Physical Development and Urban Renewal, attended the 153rd Regular Session on Land Policy for Rural Development. The Session was organized by the International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training (ICLPST) in Taiwan.
In June 2023, yet another two Saint Lucians attended a Session organized by ICLPST in Taiwan. They are Ms. Margaret Anne Charles, Vice-President of the Institute of Surveyors St. Lucia Inc., and Mr. Tevin Delice, Valuation Assistant in the Property Tax Unit of the Inland Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance. They attended the 154th Regular Session on Land Taxation and Evaluation.
A nation’s public sector is an essential mechanism that determines how government’s business is done and its services delivered to the citizenry.
Therefore, Taiwan will continue to partner with the Government of Saint Lucia to strengthen Saint Lucia’s public sector by sharing expertise that has benefited Taiwan over many decades.