Chastanet says SLP has returned to office and chosen to reduce the allocation for school rehabilitation

By Chastanet Facebook Page

When the United Workers Party took office in 2016, we faced the challenge of deteriorating schools across the island. Under the previous SLP administration, they allocated only $1 million annually to rehabilitate over 120 schools, averaging just about $8,300 per school. The condition of classrooms, bathrooms, staff rooms, and school furniture in our nation’s schools was deplorable and unacceptable.

Recognizing the vital importance of education and our commitment to providing a world-class education to every student, we made the decision to increase the budget from $1 million to $10 million.

Today, the SLP has returned to office and chosen to reduce the allocation for school rehabilitation from $10 million, which was established under the UWP, down to $5 million.

We firmly believe that the quality of our education institutions should never be compromised. Our students and teachers deserve better!