Present weather at Hewanorra Airport is partly cloudy with showers nearby. Present temperature at Hewanorra Airport is 27°C or 81°F. Last night’s minimum temperature at Hewanorra Airport was 25°C or 77 °F. Relative humidity at Hewanorra Airport is 94 %. Wind at Hewanorra Airport is blowing from the east-northeast at 8 mph or 13 km/h.
Rainfall in the 24-hour period that ended at 2:00 am today: At Hewanorra Airport: 10.3 mm Total rainfall for the month of September so far: At Hewanorra Airport: 56.3 mm
Sunset today: 5:58 pm Sunrise tomorrow: 5:53 am
FORECAST FOR SAINT LUCIA VALID FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS Winds will be blowing from between the east and southeast near 14 mph or 22 km/h, becoming lighter at times. Weather: Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy at times, with a some scattered showers and a chance of isolated thunderstorms.
MARINE FORECAST FOR SEAS IN A 25 MILE OR 40 KM RADIUS FROM SAINT LUCIA Tides for Castries Harbour: Low at present… High at 12:45 pm Tides for Vieux Fort Bay: Low at 7:09 am… High at 01:52 pm Seas: Slight to moderate with waves 3 to 5 feet or 0.9 to 1.5 metres. FORECAST FOR THE LESSER ANTILLES Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy at times, with scattered light to moderate showers and possibly isolated thunderstorms.
TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK Unstable conditions in the wake of a tropical wave, will continue to cause occasional cloudiness, scattered showers and possibly isolated thunderstorms, over the Lesser Antilles during the forecast period.
At 5:00 am today, the center of Tropical Storm Philippe was located near latitude 15.6 degrees north, longitude 41.4 degrees west. Philippe is moving toward the west near 9 mph or 15 km/h. Maximum sustained winds are near 45 mph or 75 km/h, with higher gusts. A continued westward motion is expected over the next few days, with a turn towards the west-northwest and northwest around the middle of the week.
A tropical wave located over the far eastern Tropical Atlantic is moving westward near 15 mph or 24 km/h.