April 7, 2024 by AnniusWeather: Fair to partly cloudy and hazy, with brief isolated showers.By SLUMET6:00 am Weather ReportDate: 07th April, 2024Forecaster: Glenn AntoinePresent weather at Hewanorra Airport is fair and hazy.Present temperature at Hewanorra Airport is 28°C or 82°F.Last night’s minimum temperature at Hewanorra Airport was 27°C or 81°F.Relative humidity at Hewanorra Airport is 79%.Wind at Hewanorra Airport is blowing from the east at 15 mph or 24 km/h.Rainfall in the 24-hour period that ended at 2:00 am today:At Hewanorra Airport: nil.Total rainfall for the month of April so far:At Hewanorra Airport: 11.1 mm.Sunset today: 6:16 pm Sunrise tomorrow: 5:54 amFORECAST FOR SAINT LUCIA VALID FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURSWinds will be blowing from the east near 16 mph or 26 km/h.Weather: Fair to partly cloudy and hazy, with brief isolated showers.MARINE FORECAST FOR SEAS IN A 25 MILE OR 40 KM RADIUS FROM SAINT LUCIATides for Castries Harbour: Low at 8:26 am… High at 3:08 pm.Tides for Vieux Fort Bay: Low at 9:53 am… High at 4:15 pm.Seas: Moderate to locally rough with waves and northeasterly to easterly swells 5 to 7 feet or 1.5 to 2.1 metres.Small craft operators and sea bathers are advised to exercise caution due toabove normal seas.FORECAST FOR THE LESSER ANTILLESFair to occasionally cloudy and hazy, with a few showers.WEATHER SUMMARYThe Atlantic High-Pressure System will generate moderate easterly winds acrossthe Eastern Caribbean region, during the next few days.Patches of low-level clouds drifting along the wind flow, will produce a few brief showers over the region, during the next 24 hours.