January 1, 2025 by AnniusRelatively dry, stable and cool conditions will persist over the Lesser Antilles, during the forecast period.Forecaster: Webster GajadharPresent weather at Hewanorra Airport is partly cloudy.Present temperature at Hewanorra Airport is 26°C or 79°F.Last night’s minimum temperature at Hewanorra Airport was 26°C or 79°F.Relative humidity at Hewanorra Airport is 70%.Wind at Hewanorra Airport is blowing from the east at 16 mph or 26 km/h.Rainfall in the 24-hour period that ended at 2:00 am today:At Hewanorra Airport: nil.Total rainfall for the month of December:At Hewanorra Airport: 64.8 mm.Sunset today: 5:47 pm. Sunrise tomorrow: 6:28 am.FORECAST FOR SAINT LUCIA VALID FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURSWinds will be blowing from between the east-northeast and east near 16 mph or 26 km/h.Weather: Fair to partly cloudy, with a few brief showers.MARINE FORECAST FOR SEAS IN A 25 MILE OR 40 KM RADIUS FROM SAINT LUCIATides for Castries Harbour: High at present…Low at 9:40 am.Tides for Vieux Fort Bay: High at 6:26 am…Low at 11:07 am.Seas: Moderate with waves 4 to 6 feet or 1.2 to 1.8 meters.FORECAST FOR THE LESSER ANTILLESFair to partly cloudy, with a few brief showers.WEATHER SUMMARYModerate easterly winds are expected across the Eastern Caribbean region, during the next few days.Relatively dry, stable and cool conditions will persist over the Lesser Antilles, during the forecast period.