39 Saint Lucians Awarded Taiwanese Scholarships
Thirty-nine Saint Lucians have been awarded scholarships to study in Taiwan this year, an increase of ten over last year’s total. This year, 155 Saint Lucians applied for the scholarships, for which the Government of Taiwan provides airfare, tuition, accommodation, and other benefits to applicants who are successful. The Taiwan Scholarship Program was established in 2007, and is now widely known for the achievements it brings for Saint Lucian students, and has won its reputation over the years. The scholarship application process usually runs from January to March each year. This year’s Taiwan Scholarship Awarding Ceremony was held jointly by the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development,
Innovation, Science, Technology, and Vocational Training, at the Finance Administration
Centre, Pointe Seraphine, on Friday, July 28, where awardees received their certificates.
Following is a list of the 19 awardees of the 2023 MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Alisia Mya Mathurin
Kirton Sean Hubert
Mauya Nadine Ermia Gajadhar
Jovon Barthelmy
Derron Terrell Williams
Tyrese Calan Camillus Alexander
Xandelle Faith Daphrose Adonis
Nathan Ansel Ian Frederick
Shaquan Liam Harrow
Andre Jean
Troya Shanine Tiesha Gajadhar
Shahid Darius Bachu
Cassie Alicia George
Anakrista Mya Louis Stevens
Akalan Paul Brouet
Rena-Jayne Zoya Isabella Sanganoo
Shania Jeanil Elisee
Raynetta Moesha Felix
Dana Beatrice Murray
Following is a list of the 12 awardees of the 2023 ICDF Scholarships:
Laricia Tatiana Joseph
Sherqwayne Jaihad Prudent
Elijah Frederick Albertson
Myrta Ignacia Fontinelle
Joseph Rupert Vitte
Aliyah Verlin Henry
Cherish K Kyeyune
Nakija Charnika Ghirawoo
Maria Leona Edmund
Martina Kendra Shanice Leonce
Darwyn Darius Headley
Jn Neil Nereus Alexander
Following is a list of the 8 awardees of the 2023 MOFA Taiwan Medical Scholarships:
Britney Eugene
Keemany Pierre Hinkson
Mervan Dylan Joseph
Jonelle Doriane Thomas
Janii Madglene Gaspard
Roxanne Kerie Alexander
Meghann Alana Pultie
Anyka Annabelle Holder
His Excellency Peter Chia-yen Chen, Taiwan’s Ambassador to Saint Lucia, highlighted the significant increase in scholarships awarded to Saint Lucians this year, noting that it was the highest increase ever. He stated that the selection process becomes increasingly competitive annually, with the number of outstanding applicants outpacing the number of scholarships available. Nevertheless, he said the Taiwan Government agreed to increase the number of
scholarships to help cultivate the wealth of talent that exists in Saint Lucia. Ambassador Chen also congratulated the awardees, telling them that they are now representatives of the profound friendship that exists between Taiwan and Saint Lucia, and urged them to make the best of the opportunities being offered. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” Ambassador Chen told the awardees. “I think education is the best investment for a family and a country. All of you are bearing great expectation from your families, and even from your communities. We hope all the awardees, once you complete studying, will come back and use your knowledge to contribute to your
family and motherland.” Ambassador Chen added: “I know some of you may feel nervous. Cultural shock and home
sickness are inevitable when stepping out of your comfort zone. But rest assured, friends, universities and warm-hearted Taiwanese people will do their utmost to accompany you on the journey.”
Hon. Shawn Edward, Minister for Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training, thanked the Government and people of Taiwan for continuously making scholarships available to deserving Saint Lucians. Hon. Edward said the enormous cost of the annual scholarships should inspire the awardees to make the most of the opportunities they have been granted. “We all will work diligently to ensure that we find the opportunities wherever they are in the world and to bring them to you,” Hon. Edward told the awardees. “We understand how critical an investment it is in nation-building when we avail higher educational opportunities to our
young people.”
Hon. Edward said the Taiwanese scholarships contribute in a major way to Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre’s long-term vision of having at least one university graduate per Saint Lucian household. The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Saint Lucia congratulates all the scholarship awardees and wishes them every success in their endeavours.