Arreaza: Attacks of imperial axes to Nicaragua and Venezuela are signs of despair


23 July 2018

Arreaza: Attacks of imperial axes to Nicaragua and Venezuela are signs of despair


The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, emphasized on Thursday that the attacks of the imperial axes against Nicaragua and Venezuela are signs of desperation, for losing control in the continent.

"They are signs of despair, we are winning because they are desperate," said Arreaza from Bolivar-Chavez Avenue in Nicaragua, during a mass ceremony commemorating the 39th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution, an event that put an end to the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, and started a socialist government that sought to benefit the historically excluded sectors.

In this regard, he "apologized" to the leaders who voted on Wednesday for a resolution against the sovereignty of Nicaragua in the Organization of American States (OAS), because "those subordinated governments", which are subject to the imperial axes , "do not represent the Latin American and Caribbean peoples".

In this regard, he indicated that these violent actions - which started in Nicaragua in April of this year and left 242 dead - repeat the script executed by the right in Venezuela in 2014 and in 2017, with the aim of overthrowing to the progressive governments of both countries.

"The same patterns, manuals, weapons, the same modus operandi, the same slogans, the same symbolism, the same means of communication, everything and the governments of the world, not only in Washington, but governments of the region, and governments of another. They are reacting not to condemn the coupist violence of the opposition, of the right, but to condemn the governments that want to maintain peace and order through constitutional means, "the foreign minister stressed.

Arreaza urged unity among Nicaraguans to be able to confront these violent actions that, according to the Central American nation's Truth, Justice and Peace Commission, the highest number of murders has been recorded in Managua, capital of Nicaragua, where 105 people have died, followed by Masaya (27 dead).


"Imperialism like any other beast is dangerous, that is why we have to act under a command unit that is why we have to act with unity guaranteed in the bases with a clear leadership like the leadership of the Sandinista Front of Commander Ortega. They will give the lines and roads to be victorious, " he said.

"If we maintain unity, we will always win," he added during the mobilization.

He also highlighted the great mobilization of the people of Nicaragua, presented this Thursday in rejection of violence and in favor of peace and stability of the nation.

"We have to be clear that the right path is the path we have undertaken because it is the most difficult, it is independence, it is socialism, it is the peoples in power that will guarantee the peace and stability of the continent, we have seen a Nicaragua in peace", he sentenced.



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