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WhatsApp Image 2020-06-13 at 8.46.42 PM

Wednesday, 24th June, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: One Person Shot in Soufriere Gunfire



SNN - One person shot in Soufriere gunfire on Wednesday 24th  June, 2020 at approximately 12am.

SNN contacted the Soufriere Police Station and they confirmed that gunshots were fired resulting in one wounded individual.

One person on the scene told SNN : "I don't know the guys name but shots went off last nigh about 5 shots just outside my house and one person got shot, about after 12 am"

The individual on scene, who lives close to where the incident occurred gave SNN further details concerning the victim of the gunfire and the number of shots fired.

"He got shot I think it was on his leg close to his arse.
He lucky he didn't because from the sound of the gun...sounds like a Glock and it sounds new didn't stick not once all shots fired one behind another"

More information will be disclosed at a later date.

