12th November 2019
Communications Officer Denies PM On Campaign To Silence Richard Frederick
Press Release:– The Prime Minister’s senior communications officer Nicole Mc Donald has denied repeated allegations by the host of MBC’s ‘How Can I Help You?’, Mr. Richard Frederick, that the Prime Minister is engaged in a campaign to silence him.
“Nothing could be farther from the truth,” says Ms Mc Donald, “Prime Minister Allen Chastanet, like any other citizen, is defending his name and reputation and has sought the assistance of the entity which is available to all of us to resolve issues of defamation and that is the courts.”
Says Ms Mc Donald, “Based on several statements which PM Chastanet has been advised is defamatory of him made by Mr. Frederick on his weekly TV show, the Prime Minister filed a lawsuit against MBC and the host. Mr. Frederick then gave an undertaking through his counsel to desist from publishing the words complained of.
“Indeed, on several occasions the Prime Minister ascertained that Mr. Frederick repeated the very words that the court had ordered him and he had agreed not to repeat. As is his right and that of all citizens, the Prime Minister applied to the court for redress. Mr. Frederick however has given the impression that there is an attempt to silence him. This is simply a case of defending one’s name and everyone has that Constitutional right. The Prime Minister’s application is at this time awaiting a decision and Mr Frederick will have an opportunity to answer to the application.”
Mc Donald adds: “This administration, like all previous administrations, has from time to time had its disagreements with both certified media reporters as well as opinion influencers with their respective biases. But this government has always respected, and will continue to respect, the freedoms guaranteed all Saint Lucians, whether regular media personnel, opinionated show hosts or opposing politicians.”