Department for Labour unveiled a “Labour Code Brochure”

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2 May 2018

Department for Labour unveiled a “Labour Code Brochure”

By Ministry of Infrastructure

(PRESS RELEASE ) – In commemoration of International Workers Day or Labour Day on May 1, 2018 the Department for Labour unveiled a “Labour Code Brochure” to get citizens more educated with the contents of Saint Lucia`s Labour Code.

Labour Day is celebrated annually on May 1, to celebrate the achievements of workers and the labour movement. The day has its origins dating back to 1886 in the labour union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.

As a celebration of this important occasion, the Labour Code Brochure was launched to ensure that workers in particular and the entire public know about the contents of the code which highlights the rights and responsibilities of both employees and employers. The brochure provides a simple explanation to some of the frequently used sections of the Labour Act.

It was officially launched by Labour Minister Honorable Stephenson King on Labour Day May 1, 2018 at a special gala event to celebrate workers.

Copies of the Labour Code Brochure will be distributed islandwide. The Department of Labour encourages citizens to get a copy and learn the facts of the Labour Code.

