End of Year Address by the Commissioner of Police
2023 was a year wrought with many lessons for the royal Saint Lucia police force. We observed peaks in violent crimes in pockets of the island, and policing these incidents placed a significant demand on every available resource at our disposal.
Partnerships were formed with social agencies, community groups, faith based organizations, educational institutions, youth groups, to name a few. My office hosted a much needed gathering of persons involved in various sectors on island, who brainstormed on possible solutions to crime, short and long term.
Coming from this meeting, subcommittees to action these ideas will be implemented. These critical stakeholder partnerships generated much success for the organization, and as the leader, / head of the organisation I must say, I am indeed hopeful for the path that we are charting to achieve our mandate of crime prevention, reduction and improved citizen security.
We saw the introduction of technological advancements as tools in our crime combating strategies, with the
advent of the crime hotline app. this app as well as the 555 hotline have enabled us to utilize information
provided anonymously to solve crimes and disrupt criminal activity. This has aided in fostering trust
between the police and the public we serve.
2023 bore testament to the operational fortitude of the RSLPF, with operations spanning the entire country,
we recorded impressive figures in firearm, ammunition and component parts of a weapon seizures, as well as
traffic interventions, which served as deterrents to other criminal activity.
(Traffic checks)
The year brought with it more challenges than crime fighting. Conditions of buildings which housed our personnel proved a source of constant frustration.
I know the issue of departments such as the immigration department not only concern officers, but also the general public. A move to another location is imminent, where both the public and police can operate in a safe environment.
(We will give details of this soon)
Other police stations underwent much needed renovations such as the Choiseul Police Station. Custody Suites, Vieux Fort and Gros-Islet divisional headquarters are under construction.
Heading into 2024, the public can expect continued operations in all areas. The legislative authority amendments and enacted laws such as the Suppression of Escalated Crime Police Powers Act, provided to us, will be used to limit the reach of organized criminal entities. The use of these in enforcement will undoubtedly increase positive outcomes in our operational activities.
(As you have seen in the past)
The general public can also come to expect what they may deem inconveniences during major traffic checks and other strategies of a similar nature. I ask that the public bear in mind that such
“inconveniences” may serve to preserve the life or lives of even their loved ones. At check points, firearms and other deadly weapons are often found by officers. Illegal drugs as well, we encounter illegal immigrants as well.
There will be efforts to increase public sensitization, not only on police related functions and processes, but laws which are often ignored by the populace. (Traffic related offences, consumption of alcohol, marine related offences.
With the expectation of increased operational efficiency, we are prepared for the challenge of police and public confrontations. As such, training geared towards continued development of professional standards and ethics will be undertaken. Not only will officers be taught how to de-escalate situations, they will also be equipped to effectively use force when necessary. In as much as a police force with individuals who are service oriented is the gold standard, we will ensure that these very officers are also able to appreciate the levels of force and the times when they must engage each level.
(Use of force policy)
The citizenry can expect the development of crucial policies to guide our operations, to increase transparency and accountability. One such document, which is in an advanced drafting stage, is the sexual harassment policy. This document is expected to provide redress to anyone who may fall victim to such incidents, anyone adversely affected by improper allegations of the like, or anyone who witnesses such cases. The policy will be one which will provide protections, despite sex, gender, religious convictions or
any other label which may serve to divide and alienate.
The upcoming year will see marked changes in our community policing culture, with a greater thrust on more time being committed to being within the communities we serve. There must be greater emphasis placed on building trust and maintaining that trust with the public. (New community policing policy done
which will see more involvement of police and community, greater partnership)
Several existing programs such as the prince trust program and other youth based programs will receive additional support from my office, as I believe it is impossible to manage crime without youth involvement.
Stemming from conversations with youth engaged in the arts and entertainment, I am certain that they wish to participate in transformative activities and share a common interest in reducing crime in their communities. This is a project I intend to steward in short order. Other key partners, such as our educational and social development teams will be engaged to make meaningful progress in realizing a cultural shift in crime fighting. Mindsets must be changed; the way to achieve this is to educate and provide alternative ways of survival to those in dire need of such assistance.
(Youth with issues)
I am a strong proponent for holistic approaches to dealing with issues. As a consequence, this year I intend
on undertaking health related initiatives targeting officers. In 2023, we sadly lost 6 members through illness
and tragedy. This cannot be a continuous cycle. Officers will be offered medical interventions as well and
mental health support. If we are ailing in any way, we cannot adequately serve.
(We will work with the appropriate stakeholders to deal with this concern)
In conclusion, there will be continued pressure from us on criminal elements. There will be internal development and external accountability. As we work collectively to ensure a safer Saint Lucia, I implore the public to work together with the police. The criminal you support today will bring sorrow to your door
tomorrow. If you spot a crime, report it.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my executive and the men and women in the organization who worked tirelessly during the year. I will endeavour to make available the relevant training to enableyou to execute your duties with excellence, a high level of professionalism and to build trust with our stakeholders. The stakeholders who worked with us I thank you and look forward to better collaboration in 2024. To the government of Saint Lucia, the minister of national security, the Hon. Phillip Jn. Pierre, the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte, thank you for the support in 2023. We look forward to your continued support in 2024. You the members of the public let us work together to make Saint Lucia a safer place.