28th August 2019
Google Play Scam Apps Infect Millions of Android Devices
By The Independent
ANDROID users are being warned against “scam apps” that drain your battery, slow your phone down and take over your screen.
As many as 85 different apps from the official Google Play Store have been branded “fraudulent”.
These scam apps that slow down phones and drain their batteries have been downloaded millions of times by Android users.
Researchers at cyber security firm Trend Micro discovered adware-laden apps posing as 85 different photography or gaming apps in the Google Play store.
“We found another example of adware’s potential real-life impact on Google Play,” Ecular Xu, a mobile threat response engineer at Trend Micro, wrote in a blog post detailing the fraudulent apps.
“Apart from displaying advertisements that are difficult to close, it employs unique techniques to evade detection through user behavior and time-based triggers.”
One of these techniques is to create a shortcut for the app on a device’s home screen exactly 30 minutes after the app is installed to make it more visible.
The technique also deters Android users from uninstalling the app by dragging and dropping its icon to the Uninstall section of the screen, Mr Xu noted.
Once opened, the apps function as the photography or gaming apps that they claim to be, however they display long, full-screen adverts on the infected device that are impossible to close.
Google removed the scam apps after the researchers disclosed their findings to the technology giant. However, despite the apps no longer being listed in Google’s app store, anyone who has already downloaded one or more of the apps will need to manually delete it from their device to get rid of it.
Some of the most popular of the apps are Super Selfie, Cos Camera, Pop Camera, and Line Puzzle. Trend Micro has published a full list of the scam apps below:
‘Compromised’ apps revealed:
- Super Selfie
- Cos Camera
- Pop Camera
- One Stroke Line Puzzle
- Background Eraser
- Meet Camera
- Pixel Blur
- Hi Music PLay
- One Line Stroke
- Beautiful House
- Blur Photo Editor
- Cos Camera
- Stylish Camera
- Face Camera
- Beauty Camera
- Magic Camera
- Super Selfiecam
- Beauty Camera
- Magic Camera
- One Stroke Line Puzzle
- Owl Camera
- Seals Camera
- Selfie Artifact
- Selfie Camera
- Toy Smash
- Color House
- Fast Blur
- Date Stamp Camera
- Find Differences
- Charm Camera
- Cherry Camera
- One Line Stroke
- PIC Eraser
- Sweet Selfie
- Toy Story
- Blur Camera
- Sweet Camera
- Color House
- Meet Camera
- Photo Background Eraser
- Selfie Dog
- Smart File Manager
- Selfie Camera
- Date Stamp Camera
- Easy Camera Pro
- Connect Together
- Toy Blast
- HD Video Player
- Selfie Dog
- Seals Camera
- Toy Smash
- Draw 1 Line
- Meet Camera
- Meet Camera
- Fancy Camera
- Meet Camera
- Magic Camera
- Magic Camera
- Panda Camera
- One Stroke Drawing
- One Touch Draw
- Background Changer
- Background Eraser
- QR Code Scanner
- Quick Blur
- Blur Master
- Checkers box
- Face Camera
- Fashion Camera
- Color House
- Perfect Camera
- Toy Blast
- Easy Camera
- Mirth Cam
- Cherry Camera
- Find Differences
- 361 Camera
- one-line draw puzzle stroke
- Super Camera
- Stylish Camera
- Connect Smash
- Jelly Crush
- Seals Camera
- Super Camera
- Video Cut
The researchers said antivirus software can be used by Android users to detect malicious apps and adverts in order to prevent their security and privacy from being compromised.
“It also pays to read the app reviews before installing them, as they can help raise red flags if they show suspicious behaviors,” the blog post stated.