8th January 2023
How to reverse sagging breasts with home remedies
By Christiana Moore
An upright pair of breasts is part of many factors that constitute the
eternal feminine beauty.
Sagging breasts can severely undermine the beauty of a woman.
Throughout the adult life, every woman desires to have perfectly shaped
breast. Unfortunately, it is not possible in majority of cases. When
woman reaches at the age of 40, the breasts start to droop due to a
number of reasons.
Some of the factors that results in breast sagging include poor nutrition,
pregnancy, breastfeeding, rapid weight loss, menopause, weight gain,
and aging. In some cases, wearing wrong fitted bra can also result in
sagging of the breasts. Breast sagging does not just happen after the age
of 40, it can also occur at the younger age.
The all-natural breast tightening homemade mask is made with ingredients that are readily available and can be applied to your breasts without any side effects.
No. Costly surgical procedure or products. It is time to make the breast
mask so that you can firm your breast.
This natural formula is effective and risk free and many women can
benefits from this. The breast mask shared here is most probably best all
natural breast mask that will help you to perk your breast naturally. It is
not an instant fix but you should by seeing results after about 7 days of
using this breast lifting all-natural mask.
Vitamin E – 1 tablespoon honey –2 teaspoon linseed
Any vitamin C you get as natural as possible you can use the linseed is
two different time.
Start mixing
Add all the above ingredients in a bowl (one tablespoon of vitamin E,
one teaspoon of honey and linseed you boil it with 5 teaspoons of water
let it cool and strain it will be ticked. Make a paste by mixing all the
Gently massage your breast for 3 to 5 minutes by applying this paste on
your breasts.
Wear any bra that will not absorb the mask. The bra should be fitted to
your breasts and not loose.
After about 30-45 minutes, you can remove the bra and wash your boobs
with lukewarm water.
Repeat the process every day and you should be starting to see visible
results after about 7 days of use.
If you do not find the Vitamin E, you can use the liquid in the Vitamin E
capsules as well.
Note: Don’t use this mask if you are allergic to any of ingredients.
You can also try these workouts to firm your breasts in addition to using
this homemade breast tightening mask.
Fenugreek is a beneficial herb. As per Ayurveda, is believed to be
effective in treating sagging breast. The vitamins and antioxidants
contained in the herb counteract any kind of damage to the skin cells of
the breast.
Add water to ¼ cup of powdered fenugreek such that a paste is formed.
Massage with this paste on your breast in a circular motion for 15
minutes, and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Wash with warm water. Perform
this remedy twice a week to get desired results.
Another effective breast mask can be prepared by adding 10 drops of
vitamin E and fenugreek oil. Mix the paste and apply it on your breast.
Let the mask stay there for 30 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. Use
this mask once in a week.
All these ingredients hydrate and regenerate the skin while improving
cell growth. The presence of zinc makes the skin firm by tightening the
pores, owing to its astringent property
Shea Butter
Shea butter is a natural ingredient that is used for tightening the breast.
The butter is enriched with vitamin E that is an effective antioxidant. It
even tightens the skin tissues. Moreover, it is good at healing the
damage done by free radicals
Just take a little amount of Shea butter, and rub it in the upward direction
for 15 minutes. Let it stay for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold
water. Perform this remedy 3-4 times in a week.
Almond Oil and Milk Cream Mask
Almond oil is a potent moisturizer, and it retains the viscoelastic property
of the skin. Lack of moisture in the skin causes it to become loose and
non-elastic. The oil provides nutrition to the skin and the moisture is
readily absorbed by it. Nut Milk is a natural moisturizer that hydrates the
skin, making it more supple and healthy.
Combine 4-5 tbsp. of nut milk with 2 tbsp. of oil and massage the
mixture gently on the breast. Follow the remedy 3-4 times in a week.
Apart from the almond oil, you can even try coconut oil to massage the
loose breast and make them firm.
This fruit is an anti-aging food. Mash the pomegranate peel and add a
few drops of mustard oil to make a paste. Massage with this paste for 5-
10 minutes before going to sleep.
Apart from that, pomegranate seed oil is equipped with phytonutrients
that make the breast firm and strong. You can also rub some oil for 2-3
minutes daily. Along with that, combine 4 tsp of Indian lilac oil and
dried pomegranate rind. Heat the mixture. Let it cool and massage with
the oil every day to make your breasts stout.
Swimming involves forward and backward strokes. The activity tightens
the muscles that hold the breasts and is particularly beneficial in
beautifying the women’s body.
Swimming aids in burning fat while building more muscles and
tightening them. It tones the limb and develops a perky chest. Daily
routine, and see your breasts getting firmer within a few weeks.
Swimming for half an hour in a day is more than enough.
Alternatively, if you do not have the time for swimming, you can
practice dry breaststroke which yields the same result.
Stand straight against the wall.
Squeeze your pectoral muscles, and move your hands in such a way as if
you are swimming in the pool.
Perform 100 breast strokes slowly.
Pushups provide a boost to the breast muscles present in the breast
tissues, along with toning them. The exercise involves movement of
triceps, anterior, and deltoids (muscles
Just lie down on your stomach.
Put your palms flat on the ground at the shoulder level, making a right
Tuck your belly in and rise up on the strength of your hands and toes.
Come down and again go up.
Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
The exercise is great for tightening the breast muscles and keeping them
Stand straight keeping your feet wide apart.
Stretch both the hands sideways at the shoulder level.
Touch the left ankle by the right hand, bending forward. At this time, the
body would appear similar to a triangle.
Rest in this position for some time and then perform the exercise
holding right ankle with the left hand
Arm Circling
The exercise is simple to perform and develops a strain in arms and
pectoral muscles.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Extend your arms sideways and tighten your stomach and buttocks.
Repeat 4-5 times in a day
Herbal for Sagging Breasts
Essential oils are made when essences are derived from the plants in a
natural way.
Certain essential oils possess the ability to tighten the skin. Peppermint
oil, lemon grass oil, cypress oil, spearmint oil, carrot oil, and fennel seed
oil are some of the oils that help restore the elasticity of the skin.
Massage with these oils on and around the breast for at least once a day.
NOTE: Pure essential oils are so strong that they can
burn the skin. Hence, the oil should be diluted with
carrier oil before application. Two drops of the essential
oil are enough.
Asparagus Racemosus
Rhassoul Clay
Rhassoul is naturally occurring mineral clay, native to Morocco. The
clay tightens the skin cells. It consists of calcium, iron, magnesium,
sodium, and potassium that are known to make the skin firm. Mix 2 tbsp
of the clay with water to make a fine paste. Apply the paste on the loose
breast skin. Rinse off the clay with warm water, once it dries.
Aloe Vera is good at tightening the skin cells. The abundance of
antioxidants in the aloe Vera fights the free radicals, responsible for
aging. Aloe Vera also contains anti-aging properties, as it encourages
collagen production, increasing the elasticity of skin.
Take some gel and rub it in a circular fashion for 4-5 minutes. Let it stay
for some time so that the skin is able to absorb the nutrients.
Drink loads of water every day to keep your skin hydrated. It even keeps
a check on premature aging. Make it a habit to always keep a straight
posture, as stooping from the shoulder while walking or sitting may
affect your breasts. This will protect your skin from sagging.
Eat foods, which are enriched with omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids to
keep your breast firm.
Wear a push-up bra that lifts your breast. Sleeping posture plays an
important role in making your breast firm. Try to sleep on your back
most of the time.
Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C promotes collagen production,
which maintains the elasticity of the skin
Say a big no to fad diets, or extreme dieting, as that leads to breast
Restrain yourself from a wrong sized bra for they distort the shape. A
perfect bra suiting your breasts is essential to maintain the elasticity of
your skin cells.