3rd January 2022
Mexico to create Jobs in the Caribbean
The Mexican government plans to invest in job creation in the Caribbean by promoting programs that have already begun in southern Mexico and some Central American countries to reduce migration flows, a senior official said.
The “Sembrando Vida” (“Sowing Life”) and “Jovenes Construyendo el Futuro” (“Young People Build the Future”) programs, respectively a tree planting initiative and a youth employment program, are among the investments that Lopez Obrador is also seeking, to be made in poor areas of southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to slow the expatriation of their inhabitants.
Mexico and Havana signed a memorandum of understanding on December 22 for the implementation of rural development programs in the territory of Cuba. This will include job creation.
Mexico signed a similar agreement with Haiti in November and intends to negotiate with the Dominican Republic soon, Ms Carigio told Universal.