
Ministry of Health and Wellness in collaboration with PAHO/WHO and the European Union (EU) launch the update of the National Mental Health Policy in Belize


Launch of Belize Mental Health Policy

To guide the advancement of the mental health program and services in Belize, the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) launched the update of the National Mental Health Policy for the country.

With funding support from the European Union (EU) and the Universal Health Coverage Partnership (UHC-P), the primary focus of the policy is to promote and protect the human rights of individuals living with mental health conditions, recognizing their inherent dignity, and prioritizing the importance of their well-being.

In the countries of the region of the Americas, the treatment gap for mental health is more than 70 percent. Thus, for Belize, this policy will bridge the gap in integrating mental health at all levels of the health system to ensure accessible, equitable, and comprehensive mental health services taking the human rights of affected individuals into consideration. Additionally, with mental health disorders being one of the risks associated with other diseases such as HIV, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, the police will also be sensitized to management of possible unintentional and intentional injuries which could result from mental illnesses.

“According to the World Health Organization, one in four people in the world will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime, said Dr. Karen Lewis-Bell, PAHO/WHO Representative in Belize. “At PAHO/WHO, we believe that everyone has the right to mental well-being. We are committed to supporting our member states in developing and implementing comprehensive mental health policies and programs. I am pleased to see that the Ministry of Health and Wellness in Belize has taken a leading role in promoting mental health and reducing stigma. The updated National Mental Health Policy is a comprehensive and ambitious document that sets out a clear vision for the future of mental health in Belize.”

Although there has not been any epidemiological study on mental health conducted in the country, between the period 2018-2021, three mental health diagnostic categories were recorded through the Belize Health Information System (BHIS). This included anxiety disorders (45%), affective disorders (22%), and schizophrenia and other related disorders (8%).

“It is our pledge to create an inclusive, effective, and compassionate mental healthcare system that upholds the universal human right to mental health,” said Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of the MoHW. “While we celebrate today's launch, let us remember that our journey is far from over. The real test of this policy is in its implementation. We must now focus on turning these principles into practical benefits for the people of Belize. I invite each and every one of you to join us in this pivotal endeavor.”

In recognition of the evolving global and regional practices and factors, this is a long-awaited comprehensive update, since its first development in 2008. This revised policy ensures alignment with current international best practices from PAHO/WHO’s Plan of Action on Mental Health 2013-2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically goal 3.4, which aims at reducing by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promoting mental health and well-being by 2030. The overall implementation of the National Mental Health Policy underlines the MoHW’s commitment to improving the mental well-being of Belize’s population.

PAHO/WHO continues to support several initiatives in the region to promote mental health and reduce stigma as well as work with partners like the EU and the UHC-P to advance mental health care in the country and ensure that the policy remains on par with the highest global standards thus, strengthening the overall health system within Belize and the region of the Americas.


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