8th July 2019
Niagara College and SALCC to explore potential opportunities for student and faculty
PRESS RELEASE — A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Niagara College (NC) and Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC).
As part of the MOU, Niagara College and SALCC will explore potential opportunities for student and faculty exchanges as well as academic pathways.
“I am very pleased to be able to support the strengthening of ties in the Caribbean region in general, and Saint Lucia in particular,” said Justin Williams, PhD, director of Global Education and Partnerships. “NC is well positioned to build on our core strengths in the region, and enrich both the communities of Saint Lucia and SALCC, and the NC community. This is a win win.”
Established in 1985, SALCC is the only community college on Saint Lucia and is accredited by the Saint Lucian government’s Ministry of Education.
“The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is excited and committed to this new understanding and relationship with Niagara College,” said Sir Arthur Lewis Community College’s Vice Principal, Merle St. Clair Auguste, PhD. “As the national tertiary institution of Saint Lucia, we are charged with the responsibility of higher education for the nation’s human resource. This collaboration with Niagara College will provide for more diverse offerings to our students and facilitate the kind of intercultural exchanges that create a more global citizen. We look forward to a productive relationship with Niagara College.”
“The Team in the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Sport believes that this MOU with Sir Arthur Lewis Community College in Saint Lucia is a strong foundation to build new shared hospitality training and education projects,” said School of Hospitality, Tourism and Sport Associate Dean, Damian Goulbourne. “Their “Pursuit of Excellence” coupled with our “Applied Dreams” philosophy has the potential to lead to shared hospitality sector research projects, which will have the potential to benefit local operators in Saint Lucia and Canada compete in a tough global marketplace. We are encouraged that our shared student focus approach to teaching/learning will result in activities that enable graduates from both institutions to be globally Monday Morning Ready.”
Niagara College was recently awarded a consultancy contract for Mainstreaming Gender Equality of Saint Lucia’s National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) to assist in implementing the vision of Saint Lucia’s Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development. Niagara College will continue to strengthen its partnerships in the Caribbean and collaboratively foster world-ready and work-ready graduates, both in Canada at Niagara College and abroad through partner institutions.