20th July 2019
One Dead, Four Injured In gang related shooting Shooting in Castries
Saint Lucia police have confirmed there was shooting at Pavee, Castries, between late Friday night and Saturday morning has left one man dead and four others injured,
The deceased has been identified as twenty-six year old Pavee resident Gino Joseph, alias ‘Coolie’.
The four injured males include two teenagers aged 14 and 19, the police say.
Both sustained a gunshot wounds to the leg, it was reported.
According to a source, the gunman, described as a masked man dressed in all black, fired shots in a bar in Pavee, hitting Joseph and four others while customers played pools.
The man in black shot Gino Joseph,26, of Pavee in the leg shortly after midnight and when the victim collapsed, continued firing at him, according to the source.
The police believes the shooting is gang related.