23rd May 2021
Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Association does not support Ivermectin for treatment or prevention of Covid-19
The Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Association would like to unambiguously state that we do not support the use of Ivermectin for treatment or prevention of Covid-19.
This drug has long been approved for use in humans as an antiparasitic/antihelmintic.
It is also widely used in veterinary medicine.
Clinical trials thus far have shown very little evidence of benefit associated with the use of this drug in the treatment of COVID-19.
It is clearly documented that the dose required to potentially reduce the duration or severity of symptoms causes innumerable side effects.
The risk/benefit analysis at present therefore does not support the use of this drug.
COVID-19 is dynamic and if large scale reputable trials done with adequate scientific rigour and sound methodology, showing some benefit were to be published, we would as science based practitioners change our position.
We firmly believe that every safe and effective tool in our arsenal should be used to fight this invisible enemy which has over the last year wreaked havoc on healthcare systems around the world.
As guardians of our nation’s healthcare our ultimate responsibility is the welfare and protection of the public which we serve.
We therefore continue to urge you our fellow Saint Lucians to take the opportunity to get vaccinated, consume a healthy balanced diet, guard your mental health and continue to adhere to the tried and tested public health measures.
We acknowledge that there is fatigue and frustration but this is the best strategy to beat this virus and emerge from this pandemic.
Allow me in closing to reiterate our firm scientific stance which is in keeping with that of every reputable public health agency, in strongly advising against the use of Ivermectin for prevention or treatment of COVID-19 or as an alternative to the COVID-19 vaccine.
We remain open to your queries and concerns and in keeping with our “open door” policy we will be hosting a virtual Town Hall meeting in the coming days to answer questions from the general public.
You can contact our Secretariat at telephone number 4518441 for further details.
Have a safe and blessed holiday weekend.
We are at the cusp of winning this war but we can only do it together.