TTM, NSDC Sign Technical Cooperation Agreement for Sports Development
By Taiwan Embassy
The signing of a Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) in Saint Lucia and the National Skills Development Centre (NSDC) on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at NSDC’s Bisee location promises to be life-changing for the nation’s youth.
The Technical Cooperation Agreement covers the Specialized Programs and Opportunities Relating to Technical Skills (SPORTS) and underscores Saint Lucia and Taiwan’s shared commitment to supporting development, prosperity and friendship. The SPORTS programme aims to provide comprehensive upskilling opportunities for Saint Lucians, with particular focus on youth athletes, thereby enabling them to enhance their capacity and life skills. Through technical and vocational training, they will be equipped with the
necessary certification to secure sustainable livelihoods and contribute meaningfully to their
The programme will offer the participants career counseling, literacy and numeracy assessments, life skills training, technical and vocational training, gender awareness training, internship, among other areas.
At the official signing ceremony, Hon. Kenson Casimir, Minister for Youth Development and Sports, noted that he has firsthand knowledge of many young athletes giving up sports after completing secondary school. Through SPORTS, he said athletes now have the chance to realize their full potential.
“As the Minister responsible for Sports, it is absolutely imperative that these individuals get a second chance,” said Hon. Casimir. “This is what this programme represents: a second chance for an individual who is part of a semi-professional football team to develop proper life skills, make them more employable, give them hope, and something they can fall back on when they finally decide to retire.”
Hon. Casimir thanked the Government of Taiwan for their support, adding that he will continue to pursue opportunities for Saint Lucian youth. He added that the programme has unlimited benefits. “I believe that we will look back at this day in the future and will see where young men and women really grabbed an opportunity with two hands and effected change for themselves, for their families, for their communities, and for Saint Lucia,” Hon. Casimir explained.
H.E. Peter Chia-Yen Chen, Taiwan’s Ambassador to Saint Lucia, said the agreement signing marked a pivotal moment in Saint Lucia and Taiwan’s journey that will not only enrich the lives of athletes, but also empower them to thrive beyond the field or court. “Sports has always been a powerful vehicle for empowerment, personal development, and social change,” Ambassador Chen stated. “However, while natural talent may lay the foundation for success in sports, there are more possibilities and change that can be extended far beyond the realm of sports.”
Ambassador Chen said the programme will provide athletes with the skills and resources they need to transition seamlessly into wage employment or self-employment after their sporting careers. Through vocational training, entrepreneurship workshops, or career counseling, he said Taiwan remains dedicated to equipping athletes with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to chart their own path to success.
Ambassador Chen expressed gratitude to Hon. Minister Kenson Casimir for his initiative and
dedication to the development of athletes and the youth. He also thanked Dr. Selma St. Prix and
her NSDC colleagues for their efforts in making the agreement signing a reality. He said he was
confident that under Hon. Minister Casimir’s leadership and guidance from Hon. Shawn Edward,
Minister for Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and
Vocational Training, and the Ministry, the NSDC can implement the project to its fullest and the
Ms. Althea Emmanuel, Director of the Human Resource Development Department, Ministry of
Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training,
described the programme as holistic and ambitious.
“Today marks a pivotal moment in our ongoing efforts to foster economic recovery and
empowerment, particularly for the youth and women of Saint Lucia in the wake of the challenges
posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Selma St. Prix, General Manager of the National Skills Development Centre,
said that following the completion of career coaching and demand-driven assessments, the areas
for the technical training will be decided, along with the participants, in hospitality, agriculture,
IT, and construction sectors. She thanked the Government of Taiwan for supporting Saint Lucian
youth in a big way.
“This programme is timely, and it augurs well for this strategic alliance with a training institution
that embraces and develops youth,” Dr. St. Prix stated. “We’ll do it together with our Sports and
Youth Development Minister and team and the Taiwanese Government.”