11th November 2023
UWP Women's Arm says The Price is Too High
By UWP Women's Arm
In recent past women of this country have been maligned, dragged through the mud, insulted, excoriated, pilloried and burnt at the stake for simply being women - the cradle of society - by none other than the men elected to represent us in the highest echelons of the land! Men that we gave second and third chances to overcome adversities and their past indiscretions.
The price is too high anytime a single woman is beaten to a pulp literally and figuratively. The price is too high anytime a woman is used and raped for the advancement of any man literally and figuratively.
The price is too high when our women have been brow beaten, cowered, bribed, bought and paid for like chattle, to the point that they can't even Raise their Voices in support of the sisterhood, like girls of a feather, like a Caribbean Women's Association, we know that there has to be at least 100 women who
care in Saint Lucia, to rise up against injustices done to women? It is said the women's rights is human rights so where are the human rights activists?
The price is too high when we lobby for more female politicians and they sit in parliament like one of the guys, forgetting their nurturing nature that sets them apart and allow their women folk to be raped in public while they have a front seat view and show not the slightest bit of shame, remorse, or even displeasure. because they would much rather chastise their fellow women for using their heritage and culture to communicate, than berate their men folk for their misogyny.
So When I think of all the hundreds of thousands of dollars that have been spent by foreign entitities such as Global Affairs Canada, the women's voice and leadership caribbean program among others, and I witness the concerted inertia and mumification of not 1 but all of the so called women's organizations, I
am shocked and appalled and disgusted to my very core.
The price is too high when the most decorated educator and women's rights activist sits in the parliament of of Saint Lucia having served
on the Mothers’ and Fathers’ Central Committee in her constituency,
as President of the Saint Lucia Teachers’ Union (SLTU) for six (6) years,
as Vice President, and Chairperson of the Status of Women’s Committee and General Secretary of the Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT),
as Regional Coordinator for Education International (EI),
as the president of the National Council of Voluntary Women’s Organization and the Caribbean Association of Women (CARIWA). and says nothing, doesn't blink an eye when a member of the cabinet which she serves says that domestic abuse survivor should be beaten to pieces so she can rest in peace. Some advocate for social justice, human rights, and gender equality and equity.
The price is too high when a minister of government will blatantly lie, just to score cheap points against his opponents and adversaries, never minding the pain he reawkens in a woman trying to cope and deal even after she has exposed him as a liar.
You know the price is too high when KKRR, a man who himeslf is as vile and despicable as they come for saying that a woman, a daughter of Saint Lucia should be beaten, raped and thrown in the sea (drowned) can describe said minister as a nasty individual who will attack anybody when he can't tackle
you on the issues.
Minerva Ward, Irmar Frank, Nicole McDonald are just a few names of women for whom the price is too high. If we don't stand with them, who will stand with us when he comes for us?
Saint Lucia acceded to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on October 8, 1982 and ratified the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women on April 4, 1995. Yet we sit idly by and allow the atrocities of Richard Frederick to cower us and brow beat us. I say NO MORE! St.Lucian women rise up and be counted as the brave souls that I know we are! ANOU TJEN TETE NOU BYEN HO! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!