Venezuelan Foreign Minister Condemns ‘Illegal OAS Resolution’


6 June 2018

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Condemns 'Illegal OAS Resolution'


The resolution proposed by the United States to suspend Venezuela from the OAS needed at least 24 votes, however, they only obtained 19 with 11 abstentions.

Venezuela's Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, condemned on Tuesday the illegal resolution approved during the session of the Organization of American States.

"Venezuela absolutely rejects the decisions that have been taken today by those 19 countries and we guarantee that we are going with our people to face our difficulties and we will solve our problems among Venezuelans without their interventions and interventionism in our country, Venezuela is free and sovereign," said the Venezuelan minister.

During the OAS session, Arreaza affirmed that Venezuela voluntarily withdrew from the organization because it does not help the peoples of the Americas, "as it has been demonstrated today and what it does is to generate conditions for interventionism and interference to violate public international law."

The Venezuelan leader also stated in response to efforts to force Venezuela to accept humanitarian help, "The U.S. says that they are going to send humanitarian help to Venezuela. But they are not even able to help Puerto Rico, why would they help Venezuela?

Also, the Venezuelan official called for the lifting of sanctions and the unlocking of the nation's funds, and not for more sanctions to be imposed. "We are concerned that we Venezuelans organize ourselves democratically to solve our problems (...) Lift the sanctions against Venezuela and will be able to get ahead with our own resources," Arreaza said.

