17th July 2019
WARNING: Individuals are posing as LUCELEC employees, requesting access to people’s premises
PRESS RELEASE – It has been reported to the St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC) that individuals are presenting themselves to business establishments and/or people’s homes as LUCELEC employees and requesting permission to access their premises to conduct inspections or work on behalf of LUCELEC.
LUCELEC would like to advise all customers of the following:
1. Instances where LUCELEC employees and contractors would need to get into a building to carry out any work are rare. Most of LUCELEC’s work stops at the electricity meter.
2. Anyone presenting himself or herself to your place of business or home as a LUCELEC employee should always be asked to show the appropriate picture identification.
3. If someone purporting to represent LUCELEC or any of its contractors is requesting to get inside your office or home, call our Customer Service Department at 457-4400 to confirm if a crew was dispatched to your premises.
4. As a general rule, exercise due caution before letting anyone into your premises, even when individuals present themselves as representatives of LUCELEC or any other service provider. Confirm whether a service request was made by anyone at your location. Check Identification Cards thoroughly. Ask the individual to wait while you verify with the office they’re purporting to represent. Call and double check whether a work crew is supposed to be at your address.
LUCELEC seeks the cooperation of all its customers in ensuring that anyone seeking access to their premises on LUCELEC’s behalf is properly vetted.