What Is the Nutritional Value of Corn?


15th January 2023

What Is the Nutritional Value of Corn?


Corn is a very special food, falling into not just one food category, but two. The kernels you eat off the cob are classified as vegetables, but if you dry and pop those kernels into popcorn it is considered a grain. Corn is also a nutritional powerhouse, rich in antioxidants and fiber. If you're looking for a yellow or white vegetable to add to your veggie rainbow, corn offers a lot of nutritional value.

A Word About GMOs

Some of the corn you find at grocery stores and farmer's markets may be genetically modified, which means the corn has been genetically engineered to resist herbicides and make its own insecticide. The primary concerns people have about eating genetically modified foods include allergic reaction to the gene, the transfer of the gene from the genetically modified food to your body and the transfer of the modified gene to other crops. You can avoid genetically modified corn by buying organic corn and corn products.
