World Day Against Human Trafficking


31 July 2018

World Day Against Human Trafficking

By Claudia Mon Louis

Press Release -Children and Youth Warned to Guard Against Online Human Trafficking Recruiters

The four “Ps” of the global mission to end Human Trafficking has been highlighted by the Department of Home Affairs and National Security, as the United Nations joined several countries on Monday, July 30, 2018, to mark World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

The four Ps are Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnership and are set at the core of Saint Lucia’s Human Trafficking work programme.

Reflecting on the international occasion, Permanent Secretary in the Department of Home Affairs and National Security and Chairperson of the Task Force on Trafficking in Persons Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, commented on the call to action selected by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The call to action is: “Let us act now to protect and assist trafficking victims”.

“For us at the Department of Home Affairs and National Security where the human trafficking secretariat sits, the theme is not a chorus - line for one day; rather it is our resolve in respect to meeting   our international obligations. We do remain committed and definitely accept and support the UN’s call to action.”

The Chairperson of the Task Force on Trafficking in Persons Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey also highlighted that children and young persons should particularly be taught about the crime of Trafficking in Persons.

Traffickers are known to misuse the internet and new technologies to broaden their reach in recruiting unsuspecting children and young adults for sexual exploitation, forced labour, pornography and organ harvesting.

