World Environment Day tomorrow


4 June 2018

World Environment Day tomorrow

By Green tea

Tomorrow, the 5th of June is celebrated as World Environment Day. The Green Party is asking all Saint Lucians who love Fair Helen, our Beautiful Island Home, to take some time to reflect how our lifestyles and purchasing habits impact on the environment.

Science has proved conclusively that climate change has been directly associated with the impact of humans living on the planet. How we eat, how we transport ourselves, how we build, how we consumer are all having an impact of the Earth’s environment.

Too often the onus of tackling environmental issues are placed on Governments while we, the people have the power to make the real changes needed if we act as a conscious collective.  The Green Party is asking Saint Lucians to make a commitment tomorrow to start taking a greater responsibility when it comes to the way we treat the environment. We are also appealing to the business community to also take a greater role as well, by exercising a greater social cooperate responsibility and do what is necessary to ensure that the packaging, containers, bottles that house the products that they sell be are taken care of in an environmentally prudent manner after use.

We are asking our people to start taking certain steps that will help this untenable situation, such as rejecting the purchase and use of single use plastics, stopping the purchasing of drinks in plastic bottles, bringing your own shopping bags to the grocery, reducing the use of agrochemicals and chemical based fertilizers in food crop production, starting  carpooling, composting, reducing the consumption of imported foods.

These are just a few actions that can be taken by us all in an attempt to keep Fair Helen beautiful forever. Remember that we did not inherit this planet from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children.

